Sunday, December 7, 2008

Old lady saxaphone

Heh look at this 100 year old lady playing the saxaphone in church. Totally unexpected.

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Potato vodka

I never heard of this. If you heat it up will it taste like french fries.

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Sunday, November 30, 2008

so close

At the piston game. So close!

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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Today is one of my favorite holidays. I'm looking forward to seeing family members and spending time with them.

My aunt Bobby passed away earlier this year. She was one of the nicest people you could ever meet. She was always so nice to me and my siblings and then later in life my kids and wife. When they read about so many things she did to help people around the world I was astonished.

Growing up my family looked a certain way. My extended family was very close. It is sad that my family has changed and certain members won't be with us today but I am very thankful that I had them in my life. They made me who I am today. Their legace lives on.

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

the court.jpg

Shooting shots on the piston court.

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piston player.jpg

A piston player named Aaron someone :)

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my ticket

This is my ticket and ticket to get onto the court to shoot a free throw
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At the palace for a piston game. I touched the championship trophy, held a championship ring, won 4 tickets in a raffle, and am eating free food. This is awesome!

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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election day

Today is election day and it reminds me of an incident that happened in 2004. Do you know where they get polling data leading up to the election?

I visited the 7 11 on 17/92 in casselberry for a yummy cup of coffee. The one right there at dog track road. There was a large stack of John Kerry cups sitting there. I found it quite odd since Florida was in a very tight race but leaning toward Bush. Also, Seminole County was voting conservative at the time. I got my coffee and went home.

I was currious about the cup so I wrote 711 and asked them why they would have cups for John Kerry and alienate 51 or more percent of their customers. I really could care less but there were a lot of people who were passionate about Bush. The reaponce I got back was astonishing.

I was told that they made both Bush and Kerry cups and when they ran out of one they were supposed to hide the other. The sales data was used as poll data nationally.

Our whole polling system revolves around coffee cups and I just told them I was voting for John Kerry??

The lady was nice and sent me a ton of coupons for free 711 food and beverages. Thanks 711!

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Thursday, October 23, 2008


As the days go on its getting so cold. Dang

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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ok Florida

I sent my resume to the golf channel. I need this job. Whoever reads this please pray for me.
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Monday, October 20, 2008


Man. I might get a job in florida. I'll update ya'all later.
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Thursday, October 9, 2008


I told you earlier this week I would have a major announcement. The announcement is that I have ADD.
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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Big announcement Thursday!

Check back here Thursday as I have a big announcement about myself coming!

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Monday, October 6, 2008

Bob Barr

A lot of people have been asking me who I will be voting for next month. I feel very strongly about certain issues but if I had to rate the issues 1 to 10 I would give the issue of life a 100. Maybe more. Without life, liberty and the persuit of happiness doesn't come in to play. I loved Ron Paul. He was the perfect candidate. Since he is no longer an option, I've found a new candidate. I like McCain and Palin but Palin isn't the president and I'm afraid McCain will vote in favor of embrionic stem cell research which is killing a living being.

Bob Barr has always been very conservative in this area. That is why he will get my vote. He will not kill babies!
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Monday, September 29, 2008

Black cat Monday

I'm sitting there eating lunch today when a black cat comes and sits next to my car. Its been that kind of day. Now some lady pulled up out of nowhere and is feeding it. Wtf.

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Friday, September 26, 2008

Double parked in a handicap spot

This stupid lady is double parked in a handicapped spot and she's not even getting out of her car. What a selfish ugly nasty woman.
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Thursday, September 25, 2008

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This crazy old lady always walks around in the woods talking to herself. I kept an eye on her to make sure she didn't fall and then she came out of the woods and walked down the street.

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Bikers, as in bicyclers are always riding around in spandex head to toe. Why? It's not like these people are training for the tour de France! I don't run in spandex!


If evolution is real, why hasn't it happened on other plants?
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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

We're still here

They tested the atom smasher today. We're all still here. Aparently they just did a test and didn't smash crap! They may take up to a year to run the darned thing on full power. My theory is there will be a micro black hole open up, swallow all the scientists and the fizzle out.

This website will keep you updated.

Monday, September 8, 2008

I'm a 3 mile runner

I ran 3 miles today! I did it in 36 minutes but I did it anyway!

Kanye West

Is that how you spell his name? Listen people. I'm getting to old I guess. Anyway. Kanye West was on the MTV music video awards last night. I remember him yelling and screaming last year when, in the middle of his performance, MTV dumped to a commercial break. In his psychotic rant he claimed he would never appear on MTV again. Why can't we get rid of this guy? Why? Because he needs MTV. Without it his career and ego would suffer real bad. Man I wish him and what most people in America call football would just go away!!

Facebook update

Ok so I was going to get rid of facebook on Friday but suddenly a friend wrote on my wall. Now I can't figure out how to check my wall from the blackberry app for facebook. I don't think you can. Maybe I'll have to use my computer and maybe I don't get it but should I be able to receive messages instead of just sending messages?

Sunday, September 7, 2008

iPhone theme

I installed an iphone theme on my blackberry. While it looks like the iphone, sadly it doesn't function as one. Oh well. It does look cool and I needed a new theme.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

World cup qualifying

Today there were several world cup qualifiers played. I'm a real big Brazil fan but as a world soccer fan I love many teams. Can I drop a few names for a minute? Xavi, Puyol, Iniesta, David Villa, Deco and Fernando Torres. There are more but this is enough to convince me that Spain will be a top contender for the 2010 world cup in South Africa. After winning Euro 2008 they've cemented their status as one of the world's elite teams.

Fernando Torres was injured durring a game last week. He is a member of Liverpool in the English Premier League. It will be interesting to see.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Dancing old guy

Man this guy comes to everything in Plymouth and dances. Some old guy. I love him.

Monkey car

This is a car from the show the monkeys at the fall festival in Plymouth even tho its still summer!

Kid's school open house

My 10 year old had her middle school open house for the parents last night. I can't believe how old most of these parents are. Bald, gray, wrinkled parents. Did I have kids young or do I just look young? I felt like one of the kids! It was great.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I'm broken

I think it happened after I got fired from WB. Maybe I was always crazy. Maybe its been happening for the past couple years since I moved back from Florida. I feel as if I have no control over my life. Sometimes I feel like I can't control things I say. I don't want to feel like this. Today I woke up depressed wondering where my career in television went. I know it was taken from me because of a bad manager who didn't know how else to look busy. After I was fired I spent a lot of time not working much. My life was a long series of unfortunate events until I moved back to Michigan. I have a job now but the pay isn't enough and I feel like they could get rid of me at anytime. I'm kept in the dark about a lot of things. I can't afford the insurance or I would see a shrink.

Facebook day 5

Ok I'm still now seeing the attraction to this facebooks thing. No one talks, no one pokes, no one's writing on my wall! Wtf am I supposed to be doing on this thing? It sucks! Like I said, I will give it to Friday. If nothing happens then I'm getting rid of it.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Ok so I have done the test. Google chrome is a winner so far. I found a couple of sites I couldn't get to display but for the most part its faster and gives you a lot of screen room. Firefox 4 better be really good!

Google chrome

I downloaded google chrome as soon as it came out today. I'm a yahoo fan but got caught up in the marketing hype. I'm going to continue using it today and see how I like it compared to firefox. I'll keep you updated.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Walking a vacuum

There is my neighbor returning from his walk. He walked his dog and his vacuum cleaner. I wondered why buy my wife said why bother?

Sunday, August 31, 2008

You gotta get a Facebook

Everyone keeps telling me I just gotta get a facebook. I don't care about facebook but since everyone is supposedly on it I got it and even downloaded the cool app for blackberry. No one has talked to me, responded to my emails, poked me (thankful for that) or written on my wall since I got it. I think I'll give it a week and if no one gets active on it then I'm done.

Fernando Torres

Watching liverpool and ashton villa her in English Premiere League action on Fox Soccer Channel. Fernando Torres has left the game in the 26th minute. It looks as if he may have pulled something while chasing after the ball. He's Liverpool's best player and they can't afford to be without him. They have a real chance to be in the top of the league this year.


Ronaldinho made his series A Italian league debut today with a 2 to 1 loss to bologna. While they did lose and its unfortunate, Ronaldinho played an amazing game. There is a reason they call him the magician. Each time he touched the ball it was magic! I'm not a big follower of series A but will be watching AC Milan everytime they're on just to be able to see Ronaldinho.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Dairy go round

Our attempt to hold on to summer. Going to dairy go round for ice cream. Its a merry go round themed ice cream shop with horses and everything. The place it showing its age now. They need to paint it and get a new top. Still brings back memories.

Wart 2

Day two of the wart removal

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Wart remover

I think this is a wart. I've had it on my leg for quite some time and have tried some meds to get rid of it and had no luck. I read online a bunch of people who swear by apple cider vinegar. So I put some on last night and this think is turning black. It stung all night. Ouch! I'll keep you updated!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The trash man

Who says the trash man is lazy?

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Christophe is creepy

I saw this sign in the shampoo isle at CVS. I had to wisk my kids away quickly cuz I was afraid he would molest them. Seriously man, hire a model! I would never buy his products.

English Premier League

England's soccer league, the Barclay's English Premier League, started last weekend but I was out of town and the hotel didn't get fox soccer channel. It was like drinking a tall glass of water to see the games today. If you're not familiar with European soccer, at the end of each season the bottom 3 teams from each league move down and the top 3 move up. Think of it as the mud hens going up to major league baseball. And the bottom teams going to the minors. The premier league is the top league in England and there are 3 new teams to watch. It was fun to see Stoke best aston villa 3 to 2. Very exciting.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Arnold Palmer

Why would Arnold Palmer's parents name him after the beverage which is a cross between iced tea and lemonade? They're crazy! I would never name my kid something like bloody Mary!

Garbage picking 2.0

Its not just for homeless people anymore. Its for soccer moms! This lady came into Wendy's and asked for their trash! They double bagged it for her and she left in her soccer mom mini van, a Honda one! Wtf!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Man what a week. I feel like I'm just starting to recover from it. After Brad hit that old lady we went into the red wood mountains where I was unable to get a cell phone signal for several hours. Later that night we went to the Castro district. Yes I'm a straight, married male but the Castro was fun. I got some pics but they're not blogable here. Two naked men standing on the side of the street!! Wtf! Why just stand there naked? It was different. The next night was the wedding after which I left and boarded a plane back to Detroit by way of Houston. I know Houston isn't really like the sound the way Florida is but it felt so amazing to be in the south again. So here I am back in Michigan. Back in boring Michigan. It was nonstop fun and laughter in California with my friends. I was nearly in tears when I said goodbye to Myrone. I also refriended Brian. Someone who was a good friend until about 10 years ago me and a girlferiend broke up and she started dating him. Something that is fine with me but it made it hard to be friends with him and we drifted apart. He lives in northern California now. The trip was nothing short of amazing.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Brad hit a car with his mirror

Brad tapped some lady's car with his break away mirror and she's making a federal case out of it even though there is no mark on the car.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Myth busters

We found the building where they do myth busters. They had a sign asking us not to knock. Hehe. We respected their wishes.

Brad changing

We went to pick up our tuxs and I opened Brad's door and snapped a fast picture.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Weird fort

We found a weird fort by the golden gate bridge.

Muslim woman

Myrone getting a hair cut but check out the lady in the middle. How does a Muslim woman get her hair cut with that thing on her head?

Live frogs

Yes they are life frogs for sale in an Asian grocery store.

Asian supermarket

Myrone took us to the biggest Asian grocery store I've ever seen.

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Just a windmill sitting there by the beach. Myrone said he's never seen it work.

The ocean

There's the ocean. I miss the ocean!

Myrone's printer broke

Myrone is trying to print directions to various places but his printer broke. Him and Jim have it taken apart putting things back together.

Indian women

Indian women suck at driving. She parked 6 feet from the curb! Haha


Landed in frisco!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

No door on the window

If I see a germlin out on the wing like Bill Shatner did in a classic twilight zone episode then I can't close the window shade cuz its not there! Dang!

I just noticed!

There are no air sick bags on this flight!!! No one better puke on ME!

Oh by the way...

Its off to San Francisco next.

Good news bad news

The good news is that you have no seat in front of you. The bad news is you don't have a little table for your drink and there is no pocket to hold your book :)

a monk.jpg

Check out the monk! First class too.


My boarding pass was supposed to be for both flights but as it turns out it isn't! I made it just in time. I used the bathroom and this guy came out without washing his hands. Yuck!


Made it to Houston. They have this crazy train to take between terminals and the sign says no eating but I'm hungry so I'm eating.

Next stop San Francisco.

Northworst airlines

Man these airlines are all crying that they aren't doing well but sure aren't trying to keep their customers. I went to my assigned gate per the monitor and asked the lady if this was the correct hate cuz there was another city up on the screen. She shook her finger at me and said "no no I have to go home. Now. You have to ask someone else". What?? 20 seconds was as long as it took the guy in the suit to look it up for me. Many times I've stayed a few extra minutes at work to help a customer in need. They apologized and confirmed the gate but told me I should keep an eye on the monitors for gate changes.

Look I'm cool

I'm sitting at the airport waiting for my flight. There are a lot of business travelers her because its a weekday. Lot of them on their blackberries and her I am on mine! Yay! I'm so cool.

Hole in the boat?

I'm leaving for the airport and it looks like my neighbor is cutting a hole in the back of his boat. Its weird but I guess if he's just sleeping in it in the back of his truck then its not a big deal.


Today will be a little more exciting cuz I'm flying out to California for myrone's wedding. I'll keep you updated!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Hand lotion

It says its to relieve and heal dry, rough skin but there's only one reason men need hand lotion...


Not a great picture but there was a lebian at CVS!

Sail boat?

The continuing saga of my neighbor. His row boat appears to have a sail on it now. Nope! Its not a sail. Its a tent! He slept in the row boat last night.

Saturday, August 9, 2008


Sunset in Detroit the day Bernie Mac died. We love you Bernie.
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RIP Bernie Mac

Bernie Mac has died. Pneumonia. I don't know how a 50 year old man can die of pneumonia. I loved him in the kings of comedy and thought it was funny that he was telling dirty jokes at an obama event recently. He will be missed.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Old people holding hands

I love seeing old people hold hands hehe

Chick's prison

This is the women's prison by my house. It's schedule to be closed next year. I enjoy seeing the ladies out walking around and playing softball. It'll be nicer than weeds like the men's prison down the street. I posted about that last night.

Neighbor's row boat

My neighbor suddenly has a row boat. It looks like he garbage picked it! Its some old boat. This guy will suddenly have things for a week then they poof disappear. He told me he goes garbage picking and now this. That's great hahaha

C25K complete

Today I completed a 9 week running program to take you from the couch to running a 5K or 3.1 miles for us here in America. I don't quite make it the whole 3.1 miles but I am able to complete the entire 30 minute run. Its a great moment in my life. For years, since highschool, I've been lazy and especially since 2000 when I pulled my hamstring.

Public apology

I was real crabby this morning and crabbed at my wife. I have to publicly say I'm sorry to her. She is a wonderful woman who is probably over it by now anyway. Thank you for being so wonderful.

Taco bell extras

I went to taco bell for lunch today. Look at all the junk they throw in there with my food! A wet nap, hot and mild sauce cuz they were too lazy to ask if I wanted any, the recipt, cedar point coupon and a paper asking me to call in and take a survey.

Honey, I'm gonna be late for dinner...

... And I'm not going to be with another woman. Detroit mayor Kwame Kilpatrick was thrown in jail today for violating the terms of his bond. Man this rocks!

An inmate in Detroit, Bubba Jones was quoted as saying "I hope they put him in my cell. He has a pretty mouth."

Truck road rage

These trucks were having a road rage incident. They both turned out of adjacent lots at the same time and the one in back got mad. Right after snapping this exciting photo the white truck in from got in the left turn lane and the black dump truck sped up and cut him off before turning right! So much for professional driving. Class B piece of garbage. Yeah you heard me! Get your class A and drive a real truck!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Eye sore

The old men's prison rotting away with weeds taller than I am. If I let my lawn go like this I'd be fined.

Tito and Jenna

Tito Ortiz and Jenna Jameson are having a baby. No word yet if it'll be a little whiny fighter (boy) or a slut (girl). Either way, we're told, the parents will be proud.


Found this at the grocery store. Get yourself some Rockey mountain oysters and you got a gay, I mean good meal.


Where does he get his information?

by777: they all toothless and fat and look like they 50 when
they only 30 years old from hard drinking and smoking
kingwoe: How could anybody drink that much
kingwoe: Hard drinking hehe

Jeff explains himself

Remember my friend Dan got on a rant yesterday? Jeff explains himself...

kingwoe: Its not like I want to go live in some shit hole
kingwoe: I like white water rafting, I like forests and mountains , I
like camps like in woods and swim up to some old wooded raft floating on
some oil barrels with a diving board mounted on the fucker,
kingwoe: Caves
kingwoe: Rain
kingwoe: Arces of land
kingwoe: Want to grow some corn stalks like a little crop
kingwoe: Watermelon
kingwoe: Carrots

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Couch to 5K

Man. Several weeks ago 3 started the couch to 5K running program. It starts you off slow and builds you up to running 30 minutes. Not really 5K cuz I'm slow but I have done all but my last day of running. It ends Thursday. Celebrate with me Thursday when I make the big announcement.

I survived a Japanese game show.

I'd take a picture of the TV but it doesn't turn out well. I love this show I survived a Japanese game show. Today is the finale. Two hours of the greatest entertainment show in the world. MAJIDE!

A midget!

Man its a great day in the kroger lot! A midget! Bad pic but I was trying not to draw attention to the fact I was taking his picture.

More of the lesbian

Its like a lesbian parade. The one on the left!

The lesbian

There it is! Right after I posted she walked out!


I just missed a lesbian. Short hair and dressed like a man. My camera is too slow! I'm in the parking lot of the kroger where I once saw a guy in a dress.

My friend Dan got all mad

Dan is all mad cuz my friend Jeff wants to move out in the country. This is the tail end to the rant.

by777: i dont like that
by777: never cared for rope swings
by777: or playing in some dirty ecoli river
by777: that just isnt interesting for me
by777 signed off at 12:15.

Kroger popcorn

Kroger brand, or should I say off brand, popcorn sucks. Its the worst popcorn I've ever eaten and I've eaten a lot of popcorn. I guess I'll finish the box of 6 and then I'm going back to spartan brand popcorn. They're kind of a Michigan thing as far as I know. We didn't have them in Florida when I lived there. Long live Orlando.

Monday, August 4, 2008


I work with people who are fantastic when it comes to talking to people and selling them a car but anything else they just can't do it. My old boss at the other building called me to have me call the new guy and ask him to do something. Omg! You sit 20 feet away from him! You tell him! They miss me real bad.

Fox soccer report

Before work each morning I watch as much of the fox soccer report as I can. It doesn't get much better than this. Soccer is truely the most exciting sport on earth.


Sunday, August 3, 2008

Night of olay

I use this stuff of my face at night. It's firming cream. I believe it works cuz my face isn't as wrinkly when I wake up in the morning. I highly recommend this and I've tried quit a few things before.
